Ya so....have you been wondering where I've been and why the blog has been so quiet?
Laying on a beach in Mexico! |
That's right...I took an actual honest to goodness holiday!! Although I have to be completely honest...I only lasted 3 days without internet before I was sneaking off feeding my dirty little addiction, purchasing wi fi!
So as soon as I deplaned from Mexico, I had a little nap, one full day at work, unpacked, repacked and Jeanne and I were off to Chilliwack, BC to teach at Hamels fabrics!
Hamels Fabrics, Chilliwack, BC |
What an adventure! We started setting up the display of our quilts in her warehouse area on Thursday, but first we had to pick up some pipe and drape from the Trade Centre hosting a Home show just up the street from Hamels. Now, I gotta tell you, I couldn't help myself, I knew this was way too funny to just chuckle about and walk away - I had to share this.......
Sign on the bathroom door at the Chilliwack Trade Centre!! |
We had a leisurely set up day on Thursday, enjoyed the gorgeous scenery outside of Paulines shop, which by the way is right next door to her home! Her commute is a killer!
Paulines commute - house on the right - shop on the left!
Gorgeous scenery all the way to work!
Jeanne doing what she does best! |
Our display in Hamels warehouse area! |
We stayed in Pauline's super amazing 5th wheel in her driveway! It's absolutely gorgeous! It had all the perks and amenities one could ask for...except....HEAT AT 6AM! Well we actually figure the propane ran out much sooner than that, but that's about what time we were so cold we could no longer sleep! We waited until 7 to text Pauline and tell her the heat was gone! She ran over in her pjs and set us up with space heaters and turned on the fireplace (now why didn't we think of that?)
Jeanne shivering in fron of the space heater and fireplace! |
So once we were feeling warm enough to go ahead and take showers, I volunteered to go first while Jeanne made another pot of coffee. At that point our heat was short lived - we blew the breaker! So not only did we have no more coffee, we showered and dressed in the cold, then ran into Pauline's house with wet hair for a blow dry! Ahhhh adventures! It could only get better as the day went on right? Not so much! So after the dreadfully cold and inconvenient start to our morning, we made our commute to Hamels (across the driveway, over the porch and through the gate!) only to discover that the Hydro Sub Station was on fire! Now for the first little while I have to admit....that meant nothing to me....until I realized the Hydro Sub Station is right next door to Hamels Fabrics and Pauline's home!!!
The back of Paulines' house with the view of the Substation on fire! |
A close up view! |
We scrambled like crazy women lighting candles and finding flashlights so the customers could still see the display we had set up the say before.....only to find out....there would be no customers! The fire department had shut down both roads leading in and out of the area! Sheesh! To make a long story short, no power until 4:30ish pm, no customers, and again....NO HEAT!
Not to worry, the next day was much better! We decided to continue with the display and hold the class in another area of the store. I taught the Market Fresh class and Jeanne manned our display! It was a great day! I had a wonderful group of ladies who all enjoyed the class very much!
Spending the weekend with us was Pauline's very very good friend Cindy Pierce! She's such a pleasure to be around, and it was very fun to see her again! Both her and Pauline helped us take down our display and pack it up!
Pauline and Cindy |
I think we wore Pauline out!! |
Then we retired to the trailer for a little wine and a lot of yakking! It was a fabulous weekend!
Thanks so much to Pauline for having us out to her shop, Hamels Fabrics!